Tuesday, November 2, 2010

TS3 on Bluray TODAY!!

Hooray! Toy Story 3 is released on Bluray and DVD today.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Colored Short Film

My Short film "Colored" is now complete. It would be a lie to say that I wasn't inspired by Teddy Newton's new short that precedes TS3, Day & Night. Unlike Pixar's newest short, my story involves a shillouette of a boy whose emotions are purely motivated by the color on screen. Using color symbolism and an exaggerated animation style, the character cycles through the color wheel while on a roller coaster ride of emotion and stages of life.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fist Pump!

Mass Animation is at it again! This time teaming up with the creative talents behind the DC Universe Online videogame. They are allowing artists all over the world, via facebook, to download shot assignments and rigs and upload playblasts of your own spin on the assigned action. The ones with that "special something" are rewarded and even used in the game.

The following playblast was the "Fist Pump" that nabbed me some sweet prizes for being the highest voted animation of the week. Thanks for all who voted for me and please enjoy:

Friday, January 22, 2010

EvolveCG Contest

I've decided to take part in the EvolveCG Hunters Challenge Competition. I jumped in a bit late and will have to bust out something cool enough that will attract the attention of the judges. The prizes are quite cool, among them are free admission tickets to the upcoming conference and free Jason Ryan tutorials. Crossing the fingers. My final animation is here: